.....The Brown Egg! This is our ugly van Randy bought. Granted he didn't have a lot of options to choose from but to say I was disappointed when I saw it would be an understatement. It has 2 sun roofs which Randy thought was a good thing (but I think he forgot that having the sun beating down on you as you drive is not a pleasant experience). It has ugly curtains, however, sometimes they come in handy for keeping out that blasted sun. The sliding door is heavy enough to cut off your arm if it gets in the way so look out! also, note the ugly mirror attached to the rear window. All big cars and not so big cars have these to help you see your bumper as you back up. Apparently the "Boston Bump" is not appropriate here when parallel parking. The Brown Egg also beeps when in reverse. Embarrassing, I know.
We rarely drive faster than 40 mph and have only taken The Brown Egg on the Expressway once. I was so excited to drive at a freeway speed of about 55 mph. Talk about life in the slow lane.
Our license plate has the "Y" on it which indicates we're Americans. Some Japanese cars have yellow license plates which indicates the car has a small engine, aka "weak sauce."
Driving on the opposite side of the road isn't so hard. The hard part is remembering to use your blinker with the opposite hand. Lots of time you see "Y plates" with their wipers on and that's usually because they meant to turn on the blinker but hit the wipers instead.
I would LOVE to see you backing up your van while it's going "beep, beep, beep!" It doesn't look too bad, though. I was a little reluctant to join the minivan group but I actually love it. Curtains actually sound super handy. I often find myself trying to wedge C's blanket in the door somehow to keep the sun out of one of my kid's faces. When we got our minivan, Matt said "now we are officially Utarded." Welcome to the crew Mel!
ReplyDeleteWow. You're in Japan, driving a minivan built by the world's best manufacturer, in the minivan's home country nonetheless, and you're afraid that the sliding door just might take off your arm... interesting... I would have thought the Toyota engineers wouldn't allow that to happen... or maybe you're just totally weak-sauce Mel and need a yellow plate?... JUST KIDDING MEL! Nothing but love, nothing but love. The mirror is cool though, it's a perfect example of what they call in the industry a "poke-yoke" device (nice way to say idiot-proofer in Japanese). Another prime example of a poke-yoke device is your gas-cap (they're attached now so you can't leave 'em, and the diesel and gas nozzles are different sizes so you don't mix them up, Genius!) Sorry, I am a humongous nerd. Have fun in the minivan!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, it's lovely. Bryn would like you to nickname it Humpty. I think it's interesting that you have to identify yourself as American on your car. That sort of program could be really useful in the States (I'm envisioning labels like "3-time drunk driver", "Just got my license," and " I make really bad decisions whenever I drive so don't get too close.")
ReplyDeleteAt least it doens't have a giant dent in the side (yet)!
ReplyDeleteI think your van looks pretty fancy! And I do love the sunroof, too! :) I have to say ... I was (and am) a bit jealous of that sunroof! ;)