Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tag..I'm it!

1. I have more embarrassing moments than anyone I know. Some are so embarrassing I try to reconstruct the memory to something less embarrassing before it is burned into my brain forever. One memory I never got around to reconstructing was the time I wet my pants on a group date at a haunted house. No, I wasn't 3 years old. I was 16.
2. I love to sing but I don't sound that good so if I was granted 3 wishes, one of them would be to have an amazing singing voice.
3. Besides my sister April, I am the most impatient person I have ever met.
4. I love my two boys (obviously) however, I was so disappointed when we had the ultrasound to find out Marcus was a boy that I cried. Things are different now. I am hoping our next one is a boy (no, I'm not pregnant). I love saying things like, "Eat up, boys! Let's go boys!" etc. I can't say that if I have a girl.
5. I am stubborn, almost as stubborn as my husband.
6. I have 4 sisters and I love them. We have so much fun together. For me, the perfect vacation is hanging out at my house with my mom and sisters.
7. I stopped eating candy and chocolate for more than a year when I was in high school. That meant no licorice, no chocolate anything, no M&M's, etc. Too bad I don't have that kind of will power now.
There you have it. 7 things about me that my husband approved to be written.

I tag Amie, Jenni, and Angie.

1 comment:

  1. You're on! But just know that you're wrong on the voice ... I can hear you singing songs when we're at the library story time and you have a great voice! I'm the one that mouths the words while I listen to you and all the kids sing.


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