Tuesday, June 16, 2009

All Dressed Up

You might think Randy is dressed up to fly a plane but he's actually wearing his Navy uniform. He rarely has to wear it so when he does I always take pictures so we can laugh. He was involved in some ceremony where he was a "side boy." Not exactly sure what that meant but it probably involved standing at the side of the stage and saluting. All I know is he had to buy white gloves for it.
(taking his "side boy" job very seriously)

(two Side Boys--aren't they cute)


  1. i love the dress whites. it's so "officer and a gentlemen"-like.

  2. I do love it when they get all fancied up

  3. I wonder if Marcus will grow up to be a Navy man. Randy does look good doesn't he?

  4. Randy looks good! I love this post, we can totally hear your voice while reading it M!

  5. Aww, that is a great picture of them!

  6. Carrie and i used to give Cliff such a hard time about changing in his Marine Corps blues for his Fa....y white uniform! LOL!! But, it does look good!!! I'm just partial to the USMC blues....Ha!


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