Say that ten times fast! The castle was built in the 1400's and after WWII there wasn't a lot left of it except the walls, but it's still cool to see. It sits high on a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean and the East China Sea--Prime real estate. That's why it's so creepy to see that abandoned hotel sitting right next to it.

Landon and Bean checking out the Pacific

The boys overlooking the East China Sea and our house somewhere out there

Scaling the castle wall

We don't get beautiful orange leaves in the fall but I'll settle for orange tropical flowers any day!

Love the
Engrish sign. I think they meant no cars past this point except for staff.
We love those castle grounds! We used to love to go there Sundays after church. Our kids have climbed over that huge wall and scared the Oki's half to death when they rolled over the top! LOL