Thursday, January 7, 2010

Funeral Planning: The Family Biz

We are getting way too good at planning funerals. We should make a business out of it, kind of like a wedding planner. We met with the funeral director and went over the details for the funeral in record time since it seems like it was just yesterday when we met to plan Lindsey's funeral. While we were picking out my mom's casket the rest of us decided to pick out ours as well. You know, just planning ahead for the next funeral! We are placing bets on who will be the next one to go and on really sad days it is perfectly normal to hear someone say, "Who wants to drive off a cliff with me?" Yes, thoughts of mass suicide seem easier than dealing with the heartache.

Here is a link to the obituary and details for the funeral. We have spent hours preparing it to be a reflection of my mom's life and I think it would make her proud. It's still hard to believe she's gone. In Bean's prayers last night he said, "Please bless Grandma to come back to life...and Lindsey too."



  1. I found your mom's obituary yesterday on line. It was a nice tribute to her. (You should videotape the funeral; you will be glad you did.)

  2. The tribute to your mom was beautiful, Melanie. We love you.


  3. Reflecting upon the thoughts you've written affirms in my heart an abiding appreciation of the promised blessings yet to come. Beyond the heartache you feel today, and despite all the suffering your mother and family have endured, there abides the sweet assurance that all of this has purpose. In this poignant moment of grief, we share with you our hope for peace and joy beyond all we can imagine. Our faith and prayers continue with you. We look forward to seeing you tonight.

  4. Mel,
    I am behind the 8 ball on posting this but I am truly sorry for your loss. I was reading some of your older posts and it reminded me of the strength God gives us when we need to push through. Push through with new babies, the loss of Mothers and Sisters, potty training to be done, food to be made - we push through. God's gift to us is the strength we need when we need it...
    Sending you support,

  5. We are all thinking about your guys this week and hope that everything will go smoothly for you and the kids, and safe travels on you way back to Okinawa. See you soon!

  6. We're glad to hear that things went well and look forward to your return when we can hear more about the beautiful services.


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