Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ahh, Sleep!

Fuss Pot is a genius! Seriously, I think he can read. Yesterday, he was sitting on my lap as I typed the post about how he's such a terrible sleeper. I think he must have read it and felt bad for me because he only woke up once last night. Once!
He is six months old today and his gift to me was sleep. I usually try to take a monthly picture of him with a teddy bear so I can see how much he's grown but I think I'll have him pose with our Mac instead.
Isn't it huge? The Mac, not the kid.
I love them both. A lot. But I love my kid more.
Just in case you wondered.


  1. He is so cute!!! I feel the same with the no sleep with my little one as well.

  2. i love the reflection of your smile in the photo. it shows how much you love landon and how much you really did appreciate him sleeping. so cute!

  3. hooray for Napoleon! It's about time. And guess who called me tonight? :)

  4. Yes, the best part is definitely your reflection! You look so loving and proud!!


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