Sunday, August 8, 2010

The End of the Party

We have been playing hard . . .

. . . and making the most of every minute before my surgery. I drove the boys down to Utah and we spent the last three days in Idaho at our friend's cabin. We ate delicious food, rode 4-wheelers, swam, hiked, ate more delicious food, and had way too much fun. But now the party is over. My cancerous colon is coming out tomorrow and I'll be spending the next week in the hospital slurping Jello and wishing I could die. But hey, if getting rid of my colon buys me twenty years I guess I shouldn't complain. And I'm pretty sure I'll drop a few pounds so things aren't all bad.
Know any good books?


  1. hope you recover quick! and enjoy that jello and quiet time. Justin really loves the book "Three Cups Of Tea"
    I will be thinking of you and saying a little prayer.

  2. So long crummy colon. Good luck Mel!

  3. Hey Mel,
    Been thinking of you and know surgery time is fast approaching.
    We'll be praying - promise!
    Need an entertaining book? Try "The Help" ... I thought it was comical, a little suspenseful ... I think you would enjoy it!

  4. Good luck, Melanie...we will be praying for your quick and complete recovery. Darling pictures, BTW!

  5. Hey hope the surgery is a success and you will be in my thoughts and prayers. On books I recommend the book thief it's a young adult book but I thought it was awesome.

  6. Hey hope the surgery is a success and you will be in my thoughts and prayers. On books I recommend the book thief it's a young adult book but I thought it was awesome.

  7. Mel-

    Colons are overrated for sure. I hope all goes well for your surgery. I'll keep you in my prayers!


Your thoughts?