Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Never a Dull Moment

What could be more embarrassing than passing out at a restaurant?  Believe me, not much.
Monday started out as a great day.  Our friends/Oki family have been staying with us so things were good.  Tracey even held down the fort while I made a quick trip to the fertility clinic for more tests.  We decided to go out for dinner at Red Robin, our friend's favorite burger joint that they missed while living in Japan.  About an hour before we left my stomach started to really bother me.  I figured the pain was just a result from my procedure earlier that day so I took some Ibuprophan and laid down on the couch.  Randy suggested I take a Vicoden the doctor had prescribed and I thought, "Sweet relief!  Give it to me now."  So I took it and we left for the restaurant.
They quickly seated our group of ten and I began eating French fries as we waited for our food.  Just as the food arrived I got that warm fuzzy feeling and said, "Aaaah,  the Vicodan just kicked in."  The next thing I knew I found myself lying flat on the floor, staring up at a panicked Randy.  Apparently I had passed out, fallen backwards, landed on my head, and had been unconscious for more than two minutes.
Unfortunately no one thought to record any of the action which is such a disappointment since there were three iPhones at the table.  But if they had you would've seen Tracey dash out of the restaurant with hysterical Landon, three-year-old Alyssa whispering to her dad, "Is she dead?", Ethan curled up in a corner sobbing, Marcus pigging out on his food while suggesting some one dump water on my face, Tom wondering if he should eat his burger before it got cold then finally eating it, and Randy continually checking for my pulse while waiting impatiently for help to arrive.
And let me tell you, the help did arrive!  First the fire truck and then the ambulance.  They checked all my vitals (while I continued to lay on the floor in the middle of the restaurant) and determined I was in no condition to sit up so they loaded me onto a stretcher and rolled me out to the ambulance.  I kept my eyes closed the whole time so I wouldn't have to see all the people staring at me as they ate their dinner.
And to make a long, dramatic, and very embarrassing story much shorter, I went to the hospital for an hour while they decided I was fine and suggested the next time I take a Vicoden I don't take it on an empty stomach.  So I am fine.  Still a little dizzy with a giant goose egg on the top of my head but fine.
And very embarrassed.

Poor, sad little Bean
Never let good food go to waste


  1. I almost don't know if I can believe that story. CRAZY!

    But I'm so glad you and your goose egg are fine. Your poor traumatized boys, although it cracked me up that Marcus thought it beneficial to continue eating through the process.

  2. Embarrassing Schmarrassing! Just be grateful you are okay!! What a scary situation especially for the boys. Thanks goodness Randy was with you and the Stinchfields (well at least Tracey :) Take care Mel. Lots of love!!

  3. oh sweet merciful! this story was just as funny the second time through when I read it to Wayne and he almost spit out his toothpaste when I read the part about marcus. Love it! oh, and glad you are ok")
    Cant' wait for the coast!!!!!!!!

  4. Um, I did not eat until she was awake and I swear the first thing I heard her say when she woke up was "Tom, Please eat the burger"

  5. Mel, geez la weez ( never have typed that before)! I'm glad you're okay. That is freaky. Poor Randy and the boys, and poor you for being embarrassed! What a good story. Can't wait to see you guys in a month!

  6. That story really made me laugh!


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