Friday, September 30, 2011

Our Ball Boy

Landon is OBSESSED with sports, specifically the ones that involve a ball.  Landon took his first steps at the sideline of one of Marcus's soccer games.  We put a ball in front of his feet and he shuffled along knocking the ball in front of him.  I thought it was a coincidence and a clever way to get him to finally walk.  Little did I know Landon would do anything for a ball.  The only way I could get him to watch TV (a required skill if I'm to accomplish anything and remain sane in this house) was to ensure there was a ball involved.  Thus began his obsession with The Backyardigans, but only the soccer ball and basketball episodes.  Several months ago he came across the basketball scene from High School Musical and watched it over and over and over again.  My reaction to all this was: It's a boy thing.  He'll grow out of it.
Then in August I took the boys to a soccer store to pick up Marcus's soccer uniform.  The place was a mad house and the line was long.  I quickly gave Landon a little soccer ball to keep him happy while I waited in  line.  Suddenly I heard some teenager gasp and say, "Oh my #%*!"  Mom, look at that kid!  He's so good it's freaky."  I turned just in time to see him pointing to Landon who was drop-kicking the ball into a bin over and over again.
Last week we were at Ethan's soccer game and Landon continued to impress all the parents on the sidelines with his mad soccer skills.  One mom said, "You know he's really good, right?  Like crazy good for his age."
And now for the first time in my nine years of marriage we are watching Monday Night Football after Family Home Evening (M.N.F.A.FHE) per request of Landon.  He loves it.  He sits on the couch with a football clutched under one arm while his older brothers do normal things like play with Legos or wrestle.  If I can find the right ESPN App on my iTouch I just might have a way to keep Landon quiet during church.
And as soon as I get the video to download you can see the two-year-old sports enthusiast in action.


  1. That is so cute! He and Spencer could get along great. Or probably not since they would be fighting over the balls. Even Caden and Spencer fight over them. It's sad when I have to tell my 11 year old to give his 2 year old brother the ball back so he'll stop throwing a fit. Tanner, could care less.....


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