Thursday, November 10, 2011

It's Only the Beginning

Marcus had his first real-deal school project.  A project that required some preparation and help on my part.  He had to create a visual display of five places in the community that were important to him and write 5+ sentences about them.  The weeping and wailing that ensued every time I tried to get him to work on this project reached unparalleled heights.  I told him to write five sentences about the grocery store and this was what I got:

1. Grocery stores are important.
2. Because if we didn't have them we wouldn't have food.
3. And then everyone on earth would die.
4. Then what would we do?
5. And that's why grocery stores are important.

I had my work cut out for me.  But I persevered.  I refused to give in and do it myself, even though it would've been one awesome project.  I laughed to myself at all the kids at the bus stop, with amazing posters in hand, whose parents did what I would not do.  I've got nothing to prove by doing his homework.  In my opinion being willing to do anything for your kid means sometimes you have to be willing to do nothing at all.


  1. We can't get over how big Marcus is! Great sentences!

  2. good for you. love the sentences. congrats to your sister. i would totally sneak all of those reeses if i were you!

  3. Wow, that's a great looking poster! Hmmm... I just read a book about allowing kids more responsibility, "The Enabler". Short, interesting and so true. You're doing a great job, Mel!


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