Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Scenes from the Weekend

General Conference weekend = Family Time
The rainy weather made it easy to stay indoors and be together while listening to conference.  That evening the rain stopped and the sun came out so we skipped our semi-annual Dance-Off and had a sushi picnic outside.  Either my California rolls have improved over time or we haven't eaten good sushi in a long time because everyone pigged out.  To keep the older boys entertained and somewhat attentive during the talks, I bribed them with candy.  Every time they heard one of the buzz words they got to take a piece of candy from the bucket.  Landon got his own bucket and the iPhone to keep him entertained and quiet.  Worked like a charm!

1 comment:

  1. Good idea on the candy buckets. I can't believe Landon eats sushi! What good eaters you have.


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