Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Storm

Our plans for a weekend get-away were ruined thanks to Storm Nemo.  The boys had Friday off from school (because our school district hates kids going to school 5 days a week) so Randy took the day off work so we could go to Boston.  Thanks to the pending storm, by Thursday night we realized our trip wasn't going to happen, school would've been canceled and Randy wouldn't be going into work anyway.  What a wasted vacation day!
It started snowing Friday morning, got heavier in the afternoon, and then the wind picked up and raged all night long.  We lost power for several hours and were pleasantly surprised when it turned back on.  We spent the next day shoveling and helping the kids get their snow clothes on and off approximately 23 times.  We ended up with a grand total of 22" of heavy, wet, snow and sore backs from shoveling.  Church was canceled today and school is canceled tomorrow (probably to prevent kids from going to school 5 days this week).
Our windows rattled all night as the wind blasted our house with snow
Let the shoveling begin!

By Saturday night our roads were still perfect for cross country skiing

The main road to URI - a total mess!  Not sure where the snow plows were.

Happy to be inside

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