Friday, February 1, 2013

Where's the Love?

Not here!  But it's not for lack of effort.
Last night I put together cute (and crafty which is not like me) decorations to hang on each of my boys' bedroom doors for Valentine's Day.  Every day I plan to hang a heart on their door telling them something I love about them.
Bean woke up and saw it right away and quickly got to work making me a Valentine that read, "I Love You."  How sweet, I thought.  But after that it was all downhill.
You'd think this was the first morning my kids have ever had to get up and get ready for school.  If I didn't constantly remind, nag, and micro-manage they would've never made it out the door.  Ethan even had to finish his homework in the van as I drove them to school because they missed the bus.  But don't worry, he still had time to snatch up my Valentine he had so lovingly made an hour earlier, march over to the garbage can and throw it away saying, "I don't love you anymore!"
I am a horrible mother.  Any attempts at having extra love in our home were gone out the window in an attempt to get my children out the door to school.  Some mornings we work together like a well-oiled machine, yesterday was one of those mornings, but this morning was completely the opposite and now I feel like a Valentine fraud.  The decorations are hanging there not so much to show love but to remind me I have failed. 
So I've learned my lesson.  It's more important that my kids leave home feeling happy and loved.  Clean faces, combed hair, and completed homework should be optional.  Well, maybe not optional but at least not as important.
And if anyone could help me figure out how to make our mornings run smoother every day I'm all ears.  It is such a mystery to me why things work great one day and then the next day we completely fall apart.

My good intention


  1. Two things that have worked for us. Last year we made a picture check list (that they helped create) of things they needed to do before they left the house (ie: say prayers, brush teeth, eat, get dressed, etc) in the order that the needed to be done. I laminated it and gave them dry erase markers to check things off as they did them. Just checking off worked for them, but you could offer some sort of incentive (stay up a 1/2 hour later or something) if they get everything checked off all week.

    This year not feeding them in the mornings has worked great! They eat breakfast at school and there is no more lollygagging around in the morning while they leisurely eat and then rush to get dressed, teeth brushed, backpacks gathered, etc. So, if that isn't an option at your school then feed them LAST after they totally get 100% ready. Food is a great incentive I've discovered.

    Thanks for the hilarious posts. We are planning our trip to RI this summer.

  2. Good idea with the door things!

  3. Ugg. Mornings are a struggle for us, too. It's the middle child in our life. He cannot stay on task for the life of him. So no suggestions here, but if you find something that works, pass it along! I like your friend's laminated checklist idea.

  4. Aww some morning are just like that. You wouldn't notice the peaceful ones if you didn't have the hectic ones. What a sweet idea to post love notes leading up to Valentine's!. You are a super Mom, Mel!

  5. This post is why I love you. It IS more important that they feel loved. And I know you do that. Craft or no craft! I had the same break through when we were tardy over going back for a coat. Let them learn. You don't listen to mom and bring your coat, you are cold all day....well just a little here in CA, might freeze where you are!! I got too upset and just realized it is not worth it. Getting out the door and nursing a baby, our mornings are crazy and we look like a ragged bunch! But I do have a secret weapon, Scott has an awesome schedule right now and can help more than ever. Ollie drew a picture of me in church one day and then when he got mad at me for taking away his gum he ripped me in half!! It was awesome.


Your thoughts?