Thursday, February 21, 2013

Winter Break Is. . .

$20 to keep boys entertained for 3 hours = totally worth it
A week off from school that is only fun if you can escape to somewhere warm or head to the mountains for skiing.  Since we are doing neither of those things I am trying to make the most of a bad situation.  Some "fun" things we've done to pass the time are going to free kids workshops at Home Depot.  After running a few errands I treated the boys to McDonald's which happens to be the only one with a playground in the entire state (I think).  We went to a juggling show at the library where the boys learned to balance plates on sticks.  I surprised the boys with a trip to Chuck E Cheese today.  It was supposed to be fun and spontaneous in honor of Lindsey's birthday and it was fun until Marcus passed out while waiting in line to redeem his tickets.  But he scored a bunch of candy and soda so he was happy in the end.  This week has been exhausting but I refuse to let my boys watch endless hours of TV to pass the time so I get what I deserve.
painting bird feeders = free fun

free juggling lessons

playing on an indoor playground = worth the price of fast food


  1. I want to come hang out for winter break! And what is it with you guys passing out in public?

  2. Wow, you have done a lot of fun things with your kids this week! My Ethan is currently watching a movie...
    And I cannot believe Marcus he passed out!

  3. I love all the fun stuff you guys have done! The bird feeders look cool and anything else that says "FREE" is perfect entertainment!
    BTW ... if you ever decide to homeschool you'll be set!


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