Feeling good after winning a few races |
We've got another Pinewood Derby under our belt along with the bitter taste of defeat as Randy and Marcus struggled yet again, to take 1st place. Okay, that's being dramatic, but it still stinks to work hard on a car just to get beat by your friends. Poor Marcus. His car beat 30 other cars from other troops. The only kids who beat him were his friends from his own troop. The top four boys moved on to the next Derby which meant since Marcus took 5th all his friends moved on without him. He felt bad, of course, and Randy felt like a failure as a father. I wish they would've given out certificates to each boy for awards like "Best Paint Job" or "Best Design" so everyone comes home with something. That's all it takes to make every kid feel like a winner instead of four kids feeling like winners and the rest feeling like they've been branded with the word "Loser" on their forehead. Luckily Marcus is a tough kid and got over his loss after he realized he'd miss his friend's birthday party if he competed in the next Derby.
In the meantime Randy's got about ten more years of Pinewood Derby cars to build and eventually he'll build {I mean
help build} the winning car. And when he does I'll be relieved. And I'll personally make sure all the "losers" get a reward of some sort. Even if I have to do it myself.
P.S. My friend Mel, posted my
to-die-for ham recipe
on her blog MelsKitchenCafe.com
(also known as the only blog that matters). Check it out, make it, and you'll never be the same again. You're
Carefully placing the weights the night before |
Racing down the track |
Trying not to cry after all was said and done |
Do you watch 'Last Man Standing'? They did a spoof on derby races. It made me laugh out loud because I remember having to sit through all the races while my brothers raced. Anyway, I followed the link for the recipe! It sounds so darn good and if it weren't for the fact that I'd already bought my spiral-cut ham, I would've tried this. Next time, next time.