Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Big News!

Happy New Year! 
And I'm pregnant.  Surprised?  We are too.
This "Little Miracle" as we call it somewhat sarcastically because constant nausea doesn't feel very miraculous, will be arriving in July around Randy's 40th birthday.  Yes, we are that old.  Well, he is but not me.  I'll be 38 when I give birth which makes me feel a tiny bit better but not much.  But it's a miracle nonetheless.  Without going into embarrassing details, lets just say that our kids have never come easy and Landon and Parker involved a lot of fertility treatments.  I always thought it would be fun to be surprised to find out I was pregnant and my wish finally came true.  And I have to say it was pretty awesome!  I couldn't believe it but was nervous to tell Randy.  Thankfully he was just as excited as I was, which was a relief.  I can honestly say I've never been happier to be pregnant.  With my past pregnancies there was always as much relief that I was finally pregnant as there was joy.  This time it was just joy.  Then the nausea kicked in so I'm having a hard time remembering what all the excitement was about.  Seriously.  Pregnancy is kicking my butt.

This chalkboard pretty much sums up how things have been around here so I had to take a picture of it.  That little thankful art has been up since the beginning of November and all through December because it just wasn't worth the effort to erase it.  And so it sat until I finally changed it in time for our New Years Eve party.  I've been too sick to do anything but the bare minimum which is why Randy nearly killed himself pulling off Christmas all on his own this year.  I did next to nothing.  The house is a mess.  Randy has been picking up lots of take-out lately and the boys eat frozen corn dogs and burritos on a regular basis for their dinners.  {They aren't complaining about it.}  I'm not sure I feel sicker this time around than the other times but I'm definitely less able to push through the nausea unless I absolutely have to.  Oh, and that post about throwing my back out...well now I can tell you that the pain was even worse because I was pregnant and couldn't take anything for it.  It.Was.Torture. 
But back to the positive stuff.  We are thrilled.  The boys couldn't believe the news when we told them.  There was screaming and yelling and jumping up and down.  When things quieted down the first thing Marcus said was, "Wait!  Does this mean I don't get my own room anymore?"  Yes it does, son.  Yes it does. 

This little guy is going to be a big brother.  But I think I'll always treat him like my baby because he's seriously so cute!  The ultrasound is in a couple weeks which will confirm we're having another boy because seriously, it's not a girl so stop getting all excited, people!


  1. Hooray for not being the only one with 5!!!!!

  2. First congratulations! Second I assumed the entire time baby #5 would be a girl like the previous 4 and was crazy surprised when we found out boy. Keep assuming boy but we'll be rooting for a girl. I hope you have the strength and health you desire during the pregnancy.

  3. This is the best news of 2017. I'm so excited for you all!! Hope the nausea abates soon.

  4. Congratulations Mel & Randy!!!!! I remember conversations in your kitchen about more babies and I am thrilled for you that you have another little Ball on the way! Boy or are amazing parents and your sweet boys are awesome brothers. What a blessing!!

  5. We just can't help ourselves!!! We are all hoping for a girl but won't feel the least bit sorry for you if you add another awesome Ball boy to your amazing family. Xoxo


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