But let's back up a bit. A lot has been going on since our amazing vacation to the Olympic Peninsula.
My sister April and her family came for a week and if you click on her blog over there on the sidebar you can see some of the fun we had, which was a lot of fun, along with a lot more details that I don't have time to touch on. So check it out! It will make you want to reserve your week for summer vacation at our house next year.
Chism Beach and one of my favorite places
Playing at the park because it was only 70 degrees
Snoqualmie Falls
Pine Lake is heaven on earth
Having multiple friends who live on Pine Lake means multiple tramplolines to play on
The 4th of July started with the traditional breakfast at the church followed by a bike parade. Everyone else went for a little hike while I stayed home, enjoyed the quiet house, and cooked good food like a homemade cherry pie with fresh-picked cherries from a nearby tree {No, I didn't pick the cherries}. After our barbecue we invited families over to watch the fireworks that go off right over our house. It was a long day but lots of fun and thankfully, lots of sunshine.
Boating on Lake Sammamish as the sun sets is pretty magical
My neighbor and good friend Barb showing off the yummy brunch which was served
Recognize this place? We lived here before we moved to RI and now our best friends live there. They've done a ton of updates so it's hardly recognizable.
Last week was scout camp. This is a BIG deal since Randy is the scout master. He and Marcus were gone from Monday-Saturday and Ethan left for two days for his scout camp. I can't even begin to describe the happiness I felt when it was down to just me, Landon, and Parker at home. I hardly had to clean {Marcus is a slob :)} or cook or nag. It's not a good thing to realize how much easier life gets as children leave the house, even if it isn't permanent, right before giving birth to another child. Seriously the timing of this couldn't have been worse.
And here is Parker hiding under my belly. I haven't seen my feet in awhile but they are under there somewhere too.
I love that last photo! I'm excited to hear about your 5th Ball boy's arrival. :)