Tuesday, March 29, 2022

My Life in March

It's been a fun month and it started out with a fun Relief Society activity.  We had a very talented lady in our ward help us create our own art and not only did we all have a good time, but the art turned out beautifully!  I love gathering with women and it was fun to see everyone's smiling faces.  Technically we were still supposed to wear masks indoors but I forgot to put mine on when I got there to set up and eventually everyone took their masks off when they saw me without mine.  Oops!  We were just days away from the end of wearing masks and I just couldn't make everyone put their masks on.  I think not wearing masks made everyone so much happier that this activity went down as one not to be forgotten.

Landon going to middle school for the first time without a mask on

Side note: Our statewide mask mandate ended March 12th and we are oh, so happy!  There was a lot of discussion among my boys and their classmates about whether or not they would continue to wear masks.  After two years of mask mandates we all felt a little exposed not wearing them in public for the first time.  About half the students at the school still wore masks the first day back at school, but its getting to be less and less now.  Landon has seen several kids at his school wearing double and triple masks so for kids to go from feeling like they will literally die if they don't wear masks to going maskless in public places is a huge adjustment.  I still see random people out walking by themselves, with a mask on proving that the fear tactics used to enforce mandates were very effective. It makes me more sad than angry.

Ok, back to life...

I've embraced my title as "Lacrosse Mom" and help run the clock at Landon and Parker's lax games.  I have to start and stop the timer with each whistle from the refs and keep track of the additional timers for players in the penalty box.  It stresses me out but I haven't messed up too badly.  No, I will never run the clock for high school games.  The pressure and stress would do me in!

Parker ate a cake pop at school one day and came home begging for us to make some.  I caved and ordered stick on Amazon and we got to work as soon as they arrived.  Cake pops are easy to make but very labor intensive.  As soon as we run out of sticks, they will be a distant memory.

Henry, Jack, and Karissa are the three amigos.  They do a lot of playing together and pretty much ignore all the other kids in their preschool class.  Next year, Jack and Karissa will be starting kindergarten while Henry does one more year of preschool.  It's going to be rough!

A friend moved about an hour away to Edmunds and she invited us all to her home for lunch.  The ocean views were stunning!

These ladies are some of the best!

Sunday afternoons, right after we get home from church, are my favorite time of the whole week.  Everyone is together in the kitchen, hanging out, talking, and eating.  Somehow they all managed to find great hats too.  I'm soaking in all this togetherness as we await Marcus's mission call.  We scrambled to get his mission papers turned in, made doctor appointments, and scheduled his interviews with the Stake President and Bishop in a record amount of time because we thought we were late getting them turned in based on his availability date.  We turned them in with huge sighs of relief, then found out we turned them in two weeks too early.  Oops!  We rushed for nothing!  So it feels like we've been waiting for his call for 5 weeks and now with upcoming General Conference, the wait time has increased.  So we wait.  Not an easy thing to do, especially since Marcus just pulled his hamstring and can't play lacrosse for the next two weeks.  Are you noticing a theme with Marcus's life?  Injury after injury?  Yes, that would be correct.

1 comment:

  1. Exciting times waiting for a mission call. I bet he's going to Germany. :)


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