Tuesday, October 24, 2023

House of Pain

Henry has a cavity. This isn’t a big deal. The big deal is that I’m the one who discovered it, not Dr. Ball. Naturally Randy feels terrible and took prompt action so Henry found himself at “Dad’s work” less than 24 hours after the cavity was discovered. 

I’ll never get used to seeing my boys in Randy’s chair. My dad was an accountant so going to his work meant playing with the copy machine or punching buttons on his calculator. Boring but not painful. 

Seeing Henry sitting there made me rethink and regret a lot of parenting decisions I’ve made through the years. Why am I not using the dental chair as a threat?  Forget punishing with a time out. I should be sending my boys to “dad’s work” when they’re naughty. 

“Stop hitting your brother, or you get the chair!”

Or, “You broke curfew again? You get the chair and the drill!”  

If only Randy weren’t such a nice guy this could really work to my benefit. 

1 comment:


    You get the chair! You get the chair! Just like Oprah.


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