Henry turned one! Hooray! Good thing he's too little to know what should happen on birthdays because we didn't do anything to celebrate his birthday on the actual day. Well, I did tell him happy birthday, but that was it. We were too busy having fun with Laura and her family who came to town. We spent the afternoon at Pine Lake so the kids could experience paddle boarding and water trampolines, and then our friends took us boating on Lake Sammamish. Ironically that night was also the first time since we opened our office that Randy had to see an emergency patient on a weekend which meant I had to assist him. So we cut our boating experience short, raced home, threw on some scrubs, and ran over to the office while Marcus put Henry to bed. On his birthday. Without a single present or birthday cake. So now you know why I'm glad he won't remember his crappy first birthday. Summer birthdays just plain stink. And we have 4 of them in our family. Ugh.
Here are some pictures of cute Henry sporting the one-year-old look. We love him to pieces around here (even when he's fussy and clingy from having too many strangers around).
catching some Z's on the boat |
The day after his birthday and I was too lazy to make him a cake so he got a giant Costco muffin
with leftover homemade frosting from Randy's birthday cake. It took him
a minute to figure out his favorite muffin was under the frosting.
We quickly wrapped his ball in old Christmas wrapping paper. I really outdid myself. |
Grandma Great sent a gift that plays music so it is now Henry's most favorite toy. This boy LOVES music! |
His look of fear was due to the fact that he kept trying to touch the flame on the candle. |
It's hard to be 1 |
Marcus shoved it in his face and then he cried. |
Eventually he figured out the goodness of cream cheese frosting and made quite the mess |
That photo of him with his "birthday cake" is him knowing that it wasn't his real birthday. LOL.