Christmas traditions are in full swing around here. The boys are anxiously waiting for Brother's Night and for the first time, paying for gifts with their own hard-earned money. Landon is so excited about giving gifts that he's already bought gifts for Parker and Ethan, just because he wanted to. He was also excited that those gifts were the first presents to be placed under the tree.
There are so many good things to do at this time of year that it overwhelms me personally and as a mother, as I try to make sure we are doing things as a family to invite the spirit of Christ into our Christmas. For now, we are sticking with our morning tradition of hanging an ornament on the tree each day that represents something to do with the Savior's life. {It's called 25 Days of Christ and I'm sure I've mentioned it on here before but can't find the post so go to this site for more info. It would make a great gift!} Landon and Parker also get to take turns opening a window on their Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar. Yes, that sounds terrible to have a Star Wars Advent but each day one of the boys gets to build a little Lego set/figure as they count down until Christmas. Marcus and Ethan are happy to sit this one out now that they're so old and mature. They also get to skip reading Christmas books by the light of the Christmas tree each night when it's time for bed. I'm OK with this too as it makes it easier for me to snuggle Landon and Parker while we read. Occasionally Ethan and Marcus will read with us so they aren't complete scrooges. In fact, one night all the boys were home and there wasn't anything going on. That never happens! Marcus and Landon were playing chess together and we were all sitting around the Christmas tree just relaxing so we read a Christmas story together and put a Christ ornament on the tree as well {we are supposed to do an ornament every day but we always get behind on the weekends}. I almost ran to grab my phone to snap a picture of all this tender togetherness that makes my heart melt but I didn't want to ruin the moment. But now that's it's documented the moment will still be cherished.
Putting up our tree this year will always be memorable because this was the first time my boys got to experience the magic of a skirt ---- A Christmas tree skirt! I pulled the skirt out of the box and got the crazy idea to wrap it around my waist and give it a spin. This skirt was made for twirling! As soon as by boys saw me twirling and prancing around the room in it, they each wanted to give it a try {except for Marcus who was too busy doing homework}. Randy couldn't believe his eyes and made a concentrated effort to avoid smiling so as not to encourage skirt wearing in our home. I loved watching my boys grin and giggle as they tried out a twirl for the first time in their lives.
I'd hate for you to get the impression that it's all Christmas magic and smiley kids around here. Henry is sick/teething {or both}, I wrecked Randy's Audi backing out of the garage, and Randy got "let go" from his other job, the one that pays the for our livlihood. {The company fired their 3 part time endodontists and replaced them with one full-time doctor. Thankfully they are allowing Randy to continue working for 3 more months}. Oh, and Marcus is a teenager so there's always that!
No dull moments in your land. Sorry about the job stuff. #nobuenoitschristmastime