Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Halloween 2019

It was only days before Halloween and I was ready.  All the boys had their costumes, or so I thought, I had plenty of candy to distribute for the Trunk or Treat that I bought on sale (fist pump), and the forecast showed no rain.  Things were looking good.  The day of the Trunk or Treat was also Ethan's cross country finals which meant we had to go straight home from the race, throw on costumes and grab the chili for the potluck, and race to the church.  That morning I gathered all the essentials, told the boys the game plan, and realized Henry didn't have a costume.  Ugh!

All of the boys from Marcus down to Parker have worn the same Superman costume when they were two years old.  Each of them looked so cute in it and since toddlers don't care about costumes, it was a great thing to have year after year.  Well, I have no idea where that costume is but I'm pretty sure I donated it to good will after Parker finished wearing it (back when I thought we were done having kids).  I searched everywhere just in case it showed up and finally resigned myself to the fact that Henry wasn't going to be a cute little Superman.  I took Henry to three different stores, digging through half-empty shelves that were already being stocked with Christmas items and knew the odds of finding a costume that was even the right size were slim to none.  But we found one!  It was a creepy looking lizard costume that looked like a combination of an alien, fish, or chameleon.  And of course there were multiple sizes available because every child's dream is to dress up as a lizard/fish/alien!
Henry the Fish/Alien/Chameleon

The tail makes things a little bit better

Fishing for prizes

We had a great time at the Trunk or Treat, or at least everyone did but Marcus who wasn't there by choice.   I was quite proud that my chili was in high demand and the first one to be devoured, and the kids got enough candy that they didn't need to go trick or treating but of course that didn't stop them.
Halloween night was cold but not rainy.  Ethan took off with a friend and Marcus was stuck doing one of his final drives for drivers ed.  Poor kid!  After driving around on the freeway, in the dark with just his driving instructor, he was anxious to get to a party and arrived just in time for all the fun to end and a creepy movie to start.  He was bummed.
I took the boys around and helped Henry get candy from a handful of homes before Randy took him home for the night.  Landon and Parker got a TON of candy and I need to start getting rid of it because I have no self-control.

First stop:  Barb's house!

Swapping candy at the end of the night is serious business.

We made our traditional Halloween Haunted Houses too.  I love it when I remember to do things like this!

The boys start out with something cute and then they pile on so much candy that you can't even tell what it is

And here are the pictures of Ethan's last cross country meet.  He refused to try hard, despite that running is in his genes, but even with minimal effort he still finished with the majority of the runners behind him.

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