We stayed home for spring break, against my better judgement. I begged the boys to let me drive us to Utah and I thought after a day or two they might change their minds. They didn't. Randy even suggested we go somewhere and that's saying something! We didn't. Sammamish was like a ghost town. Most of our friends were gone the entire week and by the end of the week, literally everyone we knew was gone. I honestly started having flashbacks of the early quarantine life and literally took some deep breaths and went for a jog to get my head in the right place again. Luckily it worked.
Day 1 of not much fun consisted of doing a Family Challenge from our Family Challenge Book. Henry scratched off our "assignment" and it revealed a piñata party. We invited a couple friends who were also bored, to join us. We stocked up on candy at The Dollar Store and then went to Second Hand Sports to see what fun we could find there.
Turns out beating up on a practice dummy was a lot of fun, especially for Henry.
The Party Store had so many pinatas to choose from and the boys quickly agreed they wanted the Poop Emoji piñata. I refused to ask the sales clerk to get the poop piñata so Matthew proudly walked up to the register and said "We'd like one poop piñata please!" Even the sales clerk got a laugh.
We played some (fun to me) ninja music while the boys used their best kicks and punches to destroy the piñata. It broke after about twenty seconds. Fun over. The whole event bought us a couple hours of sorta fun times.
Landon was a good sport through the whole thing. I keep forgetting he's almost in high school. I still think of him as one of my three littles.
Tuesday we had a whole lot of funnish adventures. I dragged the boys to the Kraken practice facility to see the professional hockey team practice. It was free, the facility is super fancy, we got free stuff, and I had fun watching while talking to my friends. It was also really loud as pucks were flying everywhere. I didn't realize how loud hockey is.
I invited some other bored friends to join us before they went out of town.
We stopped at Shake Shack for lunch on the way home and that made the whole adventure a happy one for everyone. Will Landon ever not love cheeseburgers? So far, it's still the best bribe to get him anywhere.
That night we took advantage of $6 movie day and saw Arthur the King. That's Henry running to the theater and no, I did not approve his outfit.
Thursday was the day things really started to feel boring. We cleaned out the boys' drawers and took a bunch of junk to Value Village which is always so refreshing. Then I treated the boys to lunch at Costco. So fun, right?
Friday night I got a break while Randy took the boys to Top Golf. I like Top Golf but staying home was even better. I read a book and felt so blessed.
On Saturday, Henry and Parker woke up early and squeezed in about five hours of screens/Fortnite with friends. By the time I got home from my stuff they were losing their minds but they didn't know it. Henry was seriously a disaster. So I did what any desperate mother does. I drove all the way into Seattle to take Henry to the science museum. I hate museums but the science one isn't terrible. Plus, every kid needs to see the naked mole rats. Luckily, we never made it past the huge play ground. Henry doesn't even remember ever going there and he was in heaven as he climbed all over the place. He even bribed me to buy him shave ice. Which he took one bite of and then ran off to play. We lasted a couple hours and wore him out enough that he fell asleep on the drive home. Hooray for a screen free afternoon.

Watching Henry play at the park by himself is going to be my future for the next five years of my life. Hooray for caboose babies that don't have siblings close to their age to play with. I tell myself Henry and I will become best friends. I'll let you know when that happens :) He is pretty good at reminding me multiple times a day that "I'm the worst mom in the world."
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