Henry is one of a kind. He came home with the cutest art work and New Year's Resolution. He came up with it all by himself.
His goal is to "Eat more sugar cookies." I laughed so hard when he told me in total seriousness, that he really wants to eat more cookies this year. I told him we usually set goal or make resolutions to help us improve at something or to do something that's hard for us. He looked at me like I was crazy and asked when we could go get cookies. I told him it's kind of ironic because my resolution is to eat less cookies. He got a good laugh. As long as we don't make cookies--the delicious homemade kind that I can't resist--we are both happy.
We now have a pretty regular tradition of buying 1-2 packages of gross, store-bought sugar cookies that Henry hides in various places around the house (usually on the top bunk bed) to prevent his brothers from eating them. I'm hoping years down the road, this boy will continue to make resolutions and hopefully he will remember how I helped him, for better or worse.
Funny kid!