Thursday, December 27, 2007

We did it! (Part 1)

We survived our first Christmas without all our family and you know what? We had a GREAT time. Hooray for planning so many activities with friends we didn't have time to think about being lonely.
Christmas Eve day began with a football game for the boys. Marcus had a great time tackling kids without getting in trouble for it. We convinced our friends to go Christmas caroling in the rain, we reenacted the Nativity, ate tons of good food, and dressed our kids in pajamas from China (perfect for karate).


  1. Cute Christmas pictures! Thanks for your comment on our blog. We've been loyal (silent) readers of your blog for awhile now and usually end up laughing at each of your entries - what a cool/funny/crazy experience you are having! Happy new year!!
    -Brian and Mel

  2. Merry Christmas! I love the pj's! Christina would love a pair. She's taking Chinese this year in 6th grade (yes, I'm that old) and she's loving all things Chinese. I'm so glad you had a great Christmas in Japan. Good for YOU!

  3. Those PJ's are awesome! Your boys are so dang cute. Glad you had a great Christmas. Hope the New Year is just as good!

  4. P.S.- I feel like it is sort of unfair that Ethan is wearing shorts and a short sleeved T-shirt in your caroling picture. I'm totally jealous here in freezing Utah. :(


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