Thursday, December 27, 2007

We did it! (Part 2)

Christmas day was GREAT too! Ethan discovered a love for toy guns and wouldn't part with it at nap time. Marcus got a bike and transformers (for his dad to play with), and of course both boys got new tooth brushes. Obviously that was Randy's idea.
We discovered another park that would be a lawsuit waiting to happen in the United States, but tons of fun for us in Okinawa! It involves hanging from a bar and then free-falling before the slide catches you on the way down. We then had dinner with our friends and spent the evening looking at the Christmas lights at the botanical gardens. There was a laser light show and lots of cool Japanese stuff. We had a great and exhausting day.


  1. I am a chicken and am afraid to let Sami do that slide. It looks fun though. Love the PJs boys! Did Randy get some to match?

  2. The PJ's are not only cute but would be great material for the slide!! (BTW: that slide is AWESOME!)

  3. Okay, just watching the video took my breath away. Reason #567 to visit you guys: Awesome slides!

  4. Those are awesome pajamas. You should buy satin sheets for the boys, and then they can slide at home!


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