'Twas the night before Fake Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a gecko....
We celebrated Christmas early this year. Really early. We're talking November 29th early. I'm flying to Utah this Thursday with the boys creating a small dilemma. Randy and I had finished all our Christmas shopping (impressive isn't it?) and didn't want to haul the presents in suitcases to Utah. The solution: Fake Christmas.
We decorated the tree, put up a few Christmas decorations, wrapped presents, and on Saturday morning the boys ran downstairs to see their presents under the tree. This Fake Christmas was just like the real-deal minus a visit from Santa. He'll be visiting the boys in Utah. The boys spent the day showing off their fake Christmas presents to all their friends who were very confused by the whole situation. Marcus kept explaining, "We had a fake Christmas. That's why I have presents and you don't!"

Happy Fake Christmas to one and all!
Happy Fake Christmas! Know that I miss you and think about you and your family often.
ReplyDeleteTalk about mass confusion!! Our kids looked on while drooling and asking questions about this "fake Christmas". :)
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing wrong with a fake Christmas! Have a safe trip and wonderful time with your family.
ReplyDeleteMerry Fake Christmas. If it were up to our kids we would have fake Christmas every day this month. Our tree with no presents under it is throwing them off.
ReplyDeleteLife must feel upside down for you right now. I am so sorry your experiencing a little of EVERYTHING between your sister and your mother and life. I am glad you have a wonderful and supportive husband. Your kids will always remember the 'craziness' but will appreciate your efforts even more when they understand later on in life.-- I know I appreciate my mother more now for the 'craziness' we all shared when my dad was fighting cancer. I have not had the chance to ask my dad what helped him endure and survive despite the slim chance he was given. There has not been a quiet moment when we are both awake, but I will. I know he has always been a healthy eater, and conscious about exercising. I know the doctors mentioned that was a big help.
ReplyDeleteNow that I have left the longest comment ever... I really just wanted to wish you a happy week. Your mom may not want another pep talk. She may just want to hear someone say, "this really sucks. I love you and I am here for you." I guess that is all I want to say to you also. Your a wonderful daughter and mother to make the best of it.
What a great way to solve the dilemma of traveling during the holidays. You are a genius!