Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Living in Denial

It was a beautiful sunny day and the boys were done being sick so I decided it was time to do something fun and pretend like my life is perfectly normal and happy. (My philosophy is if I pretend long enough, eventually I won't have to pretend anymore.)
We spent the day at BIOS on the Hill. It's a big park with beautiful gardens and lots of random Japanese things. Such as:

walking a goat

swinging on GIANT swings

falling off logs

walking on stilts

fishing for flower pots

climbing on dangerous playground equipment

squirting water

and kayaking.
The Japanese may do some weird stuff but it sure is fun!


  1. That was one of the first places we found! Great place! Loved the swings!!!! Ryan biffed it on one of em! He was 2 back than. Ha! Glad everyone is well! I pretend alot too!!!

  2. Well, that looks like a pretty good way to be in denial!

  3. Japan really is beautiful and you do a fantastic job of capturing it as well as the precious moments!
    I don't know if the pretend thing ever really works, but we'll help with trying to make life fun and happy. Normal, however .... that may have to come from someone else ;)

  4. Looks like a blast, sorry we missed it! Did you see any Lego Star Wars guys floating in the water while kayaking? Hayden lost one... it was all the drama trying to keep the little kids from jumping off the boat while trying ask the japanese guy how to get it...sadly it was lost.... replaced on Ebay for $15... the crazy things we do for our kids...

  5. That video was really neat. The park looks so inviting. I love it. You guys have so much fun over there.



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