Friday, July 16, 2010

An American Tradition

It's been 3 years since we've been to a parade and it felt very patriotic to stand with our hands over our hearts as the flag passed by with the blare of fire truck sirens. For a moment I stopped missing Okinawa. Farmington Festival days was the perfect excuse for a trip back to Utah. Well, that and a consult with a surgeon. We sat in the shade of the tree-lined street and waited for the fun to begin. The kids wore out quickly as they made a mad dash for the candy repeatedly being thrown at them.

It's official! I'll be saying goodbye to my colon in August.
To answer the question everyone wants to know without too many details, two words for you: NO BAG.


  1. Mel-

    I have been catching up on your blog, and you are so funny. I seriously miss you so much. I was dying about the tow truck story. Did the mean guy really have to call an ambulance? Karma is a b!

    So happy for you and your new cell phone.

    How are you doing?

  2. HI MEL!!!
    It's so great to keep updated. Good luck to you in August ... I'm sure things will run smoothly, but just the same we'll be praying for you.

    We are now cool like the Ball's ... we have a brand new 2010 Honda Odyssey too! Living in Okinawa makes me appreciate a fine vehicle even more!


Your thoughts?