Friday, July 30, 2010

A Sad Goodbye

The closest thing I'll ever get to having a girl is the beautiful blond curls on Landon's head. I love them, especially because it makes him look girly. I must confess I've even styled his hair using some product a couple times but I never stuck in a bow, although the thought did cross my mind. He looked so cute but Randy was not a fan.
So the men in my life (Randy, Dad, Greg) have spoken. It's time to cut the curls. I stalled as long as I could, even misplacing the hair clippers but it was no use. Randy found the clippers, put them in my hand and took pictures while I did the deed.
I don't know what made me more sad. Seeing his curls fall to the ground or me being the one to cut off the curls. I picked up all those blond curls and put them in a ziploc. I don't know what I'll do with them but for now they're hanging on the fridge and NO ONE is allowed to touch them.



Your words of sympathy are appreciated


  1. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  2. Sympathy, sympathy, sympathy! So not fair for you. I'm kind of mad at all the men in your life for you. You deserved a few more moments with those little curls still attached to Landon's cute head. Boo. (Although he is mighty cute with that snazzy new haircut, I must say.)

  3. Landon will thank you when he is older for cutting the curly locks off. And he loves your even more for not putting a bow in his hair. He looks so handsome!! Oh, don't worry, if you don't ever get a girl (which you will), you can borrow mine anytime!!! and you will be so happy to have all boys!!!!

  4. Ah, Mel ...
    He looks like such a big boy in the last picture! I can't believe how fast he's grown!
    He appears to be sympathizing with you ... love those blond curls!

  5. why are you taking hair advice from them!!! those were gorgeous curls!!! landon's face says it all.

  6. Oh, Landon, what have they done to you? I'm going to miss those curls.

  7. Wayne never even let Gavin's curls get to that length, so you are lucky in that respect. They were quite beautiful. Landon looks stink'n cute though with his new haircut. oh, and can I still borrow your sling for the chariot?

  8. His curls were so cute! I can't believe how big he looks with his new little haircut. Hang on to those curls for as long as you can on your fridge!!! They grow too stinkin fast!


Your thoughts?