Thursday, September 16, 2010

I am Woman, Hear Me Roar!

For maybe the second time in my life, I went to Home Depot, "The Guy Store" as my boys like to call it. I bought wood, dug through the clearance section (Did you know they have a clearance section?) and even had a guy cut some of the wood for me. To me, this was as adventurous, and slightly dangerous, as riding the Tokyo Subway.
Using the staple gun, saw, and hammer, I was able to assemble these cool canvas-type things to hang on the wall in our bedroom. All done for less than $30 and done without the help of a husband. My boys thought I was the coolest mom ever when I showed them not only do I know my way around the kitchen, but I can also use tools. They didn't mind using my pink hammereither.
I have to give credit to my sister who taught shop and knows her away around The Guy Store and props to the nice guy who cut some of the wood for free.
I'm thinking Randy should get me a tool belt for my birthday. And because it needs to match my tools, better make it pink.

Marcus, my child laborer

The finished product, waiting to be hung,
probably by Randy. I have no patience for hanging things straight.
And it's always good to help your man feel important and useful.


Your thoughts?