Sunday, October 3, 2010

Since You've Been Gone

Dear Randy,
I hope you're enjoying the bachelor life in Philly/Baltimore.  Are all these nerd conventions really necessary?  We've been keeping busy here.  Marcus pulled out his front tooth all by himself.  He's pretty tough even though he screamed like a girl while he did it.  I've spent the last two days listening to General Conference while the boys did some serious Lego construction.  I made delicious cheesecake brownies and promptly delivered half the pan to some friends, preventing me from eating the whole thing.  Don't worry, there won't be any left by the time you get back.  Oh, and I kind of broke the computer by accidentally sticking the memory card in the wrong drive.  
Miss you!

Lovely little mess, isn't it?

The finished products

Current rate for a lost tooth in our house: $1


  1. Sounds like you are enjoying Life in the Pacific Northwest Melanie! We will be heading back there next year...
    I miss the Lego days...we always spread out a big king size sheet and dumped them all out...when it was time for clean up you just gather up the sheet and dump them back in their totes. Fast and easy!

  2. Hillarious Mel! M leaves for his nerd conference at the end of the month. We need to create our own annual conference. ;)

  3. Your biking adventure sounds truly heroic, I'm beginning to think you'd be one of those moms that could lift a car if the need arose! Glad you had fun on your island adventure.
    I know you miss this tropical paradise as I will someday, but truly there are many perks to being where you are. Did I tell you Tom killed a Habu in the front yard the other day... seriously... and yes, I am sweating. All the time, still.

  4. That is some serious lego building. Megan thinks Marcus is The Man for pulling his tooth out all by himself. (I didn't tell her he screamed like a girl)

  5. Wow, rates are up! Time to cash in on all of your baby-teeth investments!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. So Monday I used up all of Eddie's morning nap reading your blog. I love it!!! After I read it I felt like I was kind of there with you. Thanks for being such a good blogger and sharing all of the crazy things that happen to you with us. Even though we are both back in the states we are pretty much the farthest that we could be from each other :(

    It's nice to know that you are in the same situation that I am in. One kid in school, one in preschool, and a little one at home. We are both having withdrawals from our lives in Okinawa.

    Thanks for keeping in touch. I will try harder to be a better blogger.


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