Thursday, September 30, 2010


Was this really my life?  Watching my kid snorkel around in tropical paradise?
I just put this photo on our desktop to remind me how exciting my life used to be.
But there are some perks to life in Seattle:
It's pretty nice not sweating every time I walk out the door.
It's also pretty nice going shopping for sweaters, coats, and jackets.
Wearing pants instead of shorts means I don't have to shave my legs daily.

Randy is so going to make me delete that last sentence.


  1. I mostly love that you have 2739 emails that are new. You might want to work on that. I am feeling the positives about seattle though. I am getting ready to go out for my 22 mile run to simulate the marathon in 3 weeks since it starts at 330 pm. It is currently 89 degrees and the sun is shining hard. This is going to suck.

  2. love the blazer, did you get it??


Your thoughts?