Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Traveling Fish

It wouldn't be Christmas if we weren't packing our suitcases to travel to the home land.  For the first time we were able to drive, not fly.  Love it.  Especially since that meant Marcus got to bring the gold fish along for the ride.  Yes, you heard that right.  We brought 3 suitcases, 2 pairs of skis, snow gear, Christmas presents, a jug with 2 gold fish, and a partridge in a pear tree.
Apparently my boys have grown more attached to these fish than I realized.  When I suggested it was time to set them free in the lake, they looked at me with horrified faces.  I was not about to pay some neighbor kid to take care of our fish over the holidays so I did the only thing I could think of.  I have a sneaky feeling I just might forget to pack them when the time comes to head back to Seattle.


  1. Travel safely, you and your fish! Merry Christmas!

    (We flew to TX last March and in church there the teacher gave Megan a gold fish. My kids were so disappointed when I told them that goldfish weren't allowed on the plane. I promised I'd buy them one here, but haven't followed through yet.....) ;)

  2. I want to know how you got the fish in the jug... did you use a funnel? That would be a fun ride. Did you pick 'em up and drop them in? Was there a lot of water spilled in the process? Cute story, as always. I love the way you reveal what's happening for the Balls.


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