Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Doldrums

Is it Friday yet?
This has been the longest week ever.  I finally got all the Christmas stuff put away and was looking forward to a normal day but it was not to be.  Marcus woke up with a fever, Ethan is still getting over pneumonia, and Landon blew out his diaper.
I thought I'd try to lift everyone's spirits by having an indoor picnic.  Marcus said, "This would be better if we were on the beach."  So negative but so true.

Randy finally made it home from school just in time for a little dessert.  His latest obsession is fondue and that seemed to make everyone happy.  Marcus asked if he could dip his Tylenol in the chocolate.  I'll have to remember that idea for the next time I've got a kid who refuses to swallow their medicine.

I love chocolate!


  1. Please bless Randy is still obsessed with Fondue when you come out. In 7 days. :)

  2. That's a heavy case of doldrums if even fondue can't cure it. I hope next week is better.


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