Monday, January 10, 2011

Maiden Voyage

I should've gone to nursing school because it sure would have come in handy the past several days.  Marcus has been camped out on the couch for three days with pneumonia and Landon has been throwing up constantly ever since we got home from church yesterday.  Randy was the first victim of Landon's projectile explosions and I'm pretty sure his suit will never be the same.  However, the best thing about sick kids is they love to snuggle so there has been lots of snuggin' going on which is one of the best things about being a mom.
On Saturday the sun made a grand appearance for the first time in weeks so I had, in my opinion, a fun spontaneous idea to blow up the raft (Randy's Christmas present) and take the boys out on the lake.  Fresh air and a little sunshine does wonders for my attitude.
Randy got home in time to finish pumping up the raft and was coerced into taking the boys while I filmed the grand adventure. He sheepishly walked down the street with the raft on his head so no one would recognize him, while I followed behind laughing and taking pictures.  By the way, laughing and picture-taking is a bad combo and now most of the pictures are blurry.  My apologies.

gracefully placing Bean in the raft

Oops!  Randy left the oars on the dock.

Randy struggling to steer the raft out of the trees and into the open water

Bean determined to see a shark swimming below


  1. Um... when did January become the month of the raft? i can only imagine that was a cold seat.

  2. I'm in love with Bean's face in the picture where he's laying down on Randy's lap. He's in heaven and completely unaware of the fact that his dad almost steered him straight to sudden death! (Or maybe just some trees, but sudden death sounds better.)


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