Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oh, the Passion!

I am not a fan of Valentine's Day. But now that my boys are old enough to argue, fight, and tattle-tell, I'm all over any excuse to teach my boys the importance of showing love.
Last night for family night we had a very brief lesson on how we can show love for others and then each person decorated a bag to use as their own mailbox so we can write love letters to each other.  The boys were focused and quickly caught on to the idea.  Before the night was over the bags were hanging on bedroom doors full of notes, candy, toothbrushes, and even a book.  (Yes, in our family giving a toothbrush is a sign of love and does not imply the recipient has poor oral hygiene.)  We're going to keep the bags up until Valentine's Day and hopefully everyone will be able to feel the love.  Randy is already rising to the occasion.  He wrote this:

To my Queen,
Your lips are like rose petals, 
and mine are drawn to yours as the morning dew.  
I love you.

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