Friday, February 4, 2011

It's Tough Being the Youngest

 I thought it would be fun for the boys to make a little Star Wars themed video.  Of course this involved fighting each other.  I thought they would pretend to fight, kick, and punch.  They didn't and I laughed my head off the entire time.  I am a horrible mother.  No one was seriously hurt and if these short clips don't make you laugh then you have no soul.

Part 1:  Marcus attacks Bean

Part 2:  Bean's Revenge Failed

Part 2 Take 2:  Bean Finally Gets Revenge
(after I threaten Marcus with his life if he doesn't let his little brother take him down)


  1. oh gosh. that's gonna be me in a couple years. LOVE IT!
    I love Beans nervous laughter the whole time. classic

  2. LOL! We nearly busted a gut watching this. The kids kept saying, "Again, again!"


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