Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Leaving' on a Jet Plane

Randy and I are flying to Boston without the kids. I miss them already and we haven't even boarded the plane. It was probably a bad idea to start reading a book about a couple who nearly died in a fiery plane crash with kids waiting anxiously at home. I'll try to put it out of my mind and hope for the best. House hunting and a nerd convention here we come!
And stay tuned for pics from the past week. We've been busy with spring break, house guests, and Marcus's baptism. And the sun hasn't stopped shining!


  1. What? Marcus's baptism? I thought he was 5. I hope you have a great trip to the homeland. :)

  2. Whahoo for a trip with no kids! I finished that book in about 3 days. so intense!

  3. Whahoo for a trip with no kids! I finished that book in about 3 days. so intense!

  4. Yeah for a kids-free trip, especially to Boston!! Good luck with the hunting! Why didn't I realize that Marcus was barely older than Eve? Congrats to him!


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