Saturday, April 21, 2012


We've finally come back to Boston for the first time in six years.  I am happy to report I haven't lost my awesome defensive driving skills and have successfully driven all over Boston and the suburbs without GPS.  Driving in Boston is the best adrenaline rush ever!  I am also happy to report that I am no longer completely homesick for my boys, just missing them a little.
But the first night here I was a wreck.  I missed my boys and surprisingly I missed my mom as well.  I wasn't prepared for the overwhelming flood of memories that came the moment I stepped off the plane.  Suddenly I was very aware of the tragedies in my life that have changed me and for a moment I longed to be that young, naive newlywed, whose biggest worry was how to live on a meager budget.  I remembered how scared I was when we first moved here and how every time I discovered something new and exciting or went an entire day without getting lost, I would make a mental note to tell my mom about it the next time we talked. I remembered how my mom flew out when I had my babies.  I remembered the things we talked about and the special moments we shared.  I'm not gonna lie, I had a big and unexpected cry over this sudden reminder that she is gone.  But after a good night's sleep and waking up in a beautiful hotel room I was ready for a new day and a new adventure.
Boston is the perfect blend of the old and the new

Newbury Street - shops so expensive I can't even afford to window shop here

The 130 year old historic swan boats

Boston Common founded 1634 - now that's old!

The Freedom Trail - we took so many people along here I vowed I'd never walk it again.  I guess I lied.

Commonwealth Ave - Rows and rows of brown stones Boston is famous for

Trinity Church at Copley Square - one of the top 10 architectural buildings in the world

Boston Public Gardens -the 1st botanical gardens in the United States
 Stay tuned for more. . . We spent two days house hunting in Rhode Island and now we're faced with even more big decisions. Ugh.


  1. Hope you find something! Let me know if you need anything while you are here. I'm sure you still have tons of friends in the Arlington ward, but seriously call if there is anything I can do. Have FUN!!

  2. Beautiful pics! I would love to live back east and explore more of the history of our country. How awesome! Think I was in Boston once for a total of 3 days. LOVED it ... and would love to go back.
    Good luck on your search ...

  3. Great pictures- Boston looks good from your lens. Can't wait to have you back on team East Coast!


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