Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Memory Lane

Our first apartment - tiny 1-bedroom $1175/month
Boston was our home for four years, the longest we've ever lived anywhere, so going to our old stomping grounds for the first time in six years was a big deal.  When we weren't busy house hunting in Rhode Island and Randy wasn't at his nerd convention, we were able to see some sights from our past and caught up with a few friends too.
Our second place - We lived on the top floor, best friends lived on the bottom

My illegal parking spot outside the dental school where I spent hours of my life waiting to give Randy a ride home

Randy running into a Harvard faculty member.  His car says it all.  We are definitely not on the same track!

Our favorite restaurant where we learned we LOVE Thai food

Winchester Hospital where Bean was born
Two of my really good friends who still live in Boston
Randy's little bro who lives in Cambridge

You're looking at the proud winner of $1,000 for an awesome research project presented at the nerd convention

1st choice house in Rhode Island (for right now)

2nd choice house


  1. Love the Boston pictures! Tough choice. BAH must be pretty good in RI! Both look lovely.

  2. Ah. Boston. Linz. Sometimes all we would say to each other was, Boston. Then we would both sigh remembering the fun times we had with you and Alicia in Boston and NYC. Thanks for those pictures! They made me happy.

  3. I missed you! You'll have to drop me a note when you officially make the move and let's get together! Both homes in RI look wonderful....lucky RI :)

  4. Your memory lane looks familiar!

  5. Wow ... beautiful pics of Boston and the 2 houses (tough decision ... both are beautiful). Congrats to Randy on the research project and to Marcus on his baptism! Always so nice to see the wonderful and exciting things that are happening with your family!

  6. We loved seeing you guys again. And way to win the $1k, Randy! That almost would have paid a month's rent at your first apartment. :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. As usual you're having too much fun to keep up with!!! Tell Marcus congratulations for us!!! Good luck picking out a house, isn't it great to have choices!!??


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