Friday, March 1, 2013

Endodontist by Day, Baker by Night

It was time for the Cub Scout Father and Son cake competition.  I use the term 'competition' loosely since every kid was awarded some sort of prize, but that didn't stop Randy from pulling out all the stops.  He shot down my awesome idea (because mom's weren't allowed to help or suggest awesome ideas) and he and Marcus searched the internet for inspiration.  Thus the swimming pool cake was born.  They whipped up a couple of cake mixes, Marcus carefully built Lego creations, Randy raided the candy aisle at the grocery store, and the end result was a masterpiece of sugar perfection.  I told Randy he doesn't have any bragging rights until he bakes the cake from scratch and since Randy never backs down from a challenge I'm certain next year's entry will be both a culinary masterpiece and pleasing to the 8-year-old eye. 


  1. Gunnells = Impressed. Although next time, Randy, we expect the lego figurines to be made out of fondant.

  2. Very impressed, to say the least! Randy should consider opening a bake shop!

  3. Awesome! For some reason that cake reminds of way back when you and Randy were dating and Erika and Linz and I came swimming at your apartment (dorm?) pool. That man can dive. Haha.

  4. You guys are the most competitive people in the world. Awesome cake. I want some... I also need a root canal, is there an endodontist in the house? No:(

  5. Randy and Marcus, I love your cake. That would take the blue ribbon. Awesome.


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