Monday, March 4, 2013


 He's seven months old today and has a fever but he's still smiling.  That's my boy!  I'm sure he looks the same in all theses pictures to you but I like them all, even if he's wearing an outfit that originated with Marcus which means it's practically vintage.  You should be impressed he's not wearing his pajamas.  Getting him dressed in the morning rush is low on my priority list.
Am I the only one who thinks cute babies look good enough to eat? But instead of eating him I'll settle for kissing his cheeks (hands, ears, neck, toes) over and over and over.


  1. When I saw your "seven" update on my blog ( and before I got to yours) I TOTALLY thought you were announcing a pregnancy. You know, the seventh member of your family? Totally thought that just now.

  2. You've got to bring him out here soon!

  3. What a darling little boy, as all of yours are!


Your thoughts?