Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mandatory "Fun"

Randy is still in the Navy.  It's kind of easy to forget since we rarely see him in his costume uniform.  Last Saturday Randy had to put on his extra fancy {$800!!!} duds to attend a dinner.
Randy says there are two types of people in the military: those who love the formal dinners and balls, and those who go because they have to.  Randy is in the second category and since I don't have to go, I don't.  Randy is awesome about going solo.  It takes a lot of alcohol to make these things fun so Randy's entertainment comes from watching drunk people make fools of themselves. 


  1. Riley is also the latter of the two. But drunk make it bearable!

  2. Looking good, but you are missing out Mel. It is your chance to buy an $800 dress!!! I am the first category.

  3. We absolutely love going to the balls. Maybe you just don't have the awesome Oki crew to go with so it just isn't as much fun. Also, I should be congratulating Rob's thriftiness because he just bought his 04 blues and got it at the base thrift shop for $250. He's been calling me lamenting about paying so much and is it really worth it. Looking good, Randy! I will cry the day Rob is truly out of the military because I absolutely love the uniform.


Your thoughts?