Monday, April 22, 2013

My Bean

Bean turned seven on Saturday.  He was so busy making sure Landon didn't blow out his birthday candles he forgot to make a wish.  To prevent a complete meltdown, I quickly told him to make a wish before taking his first bite of {delicious chocolate cake topped with fresh strawberries} birthday cake and everything was better after that. 
Ethan always does something to make us laugh.  Here is his most recent:  In his class at church they were having a discussion on the Holy Ghost and how it can protect you from danger.  Ethan raised his hand and said, "Yeah.  Like if you're running in a race the Holy Ghost will tell you to stop running because there are bombs up ahead."  Nice.  Nothing like a little brush with terrorists to keep things real.
Ethan the comic relief

Ethan the puddle jumper

Ethan the pirate

Ethan the older brother

Ethan the skier

Ethan the stick collector

Ethan the ocean lover

Ethan the cutest 1st grader

Ethan the middle child

Ethan the golfer

Ethan the animal lover

Ethan the sandwich maker

Ethan the rock climber


Your thoughts?