Friday, May 17, 2013

All Aboard the Downton Train

I finally watched Downton Abbey.  After hearing all the hype, (and disappointment in how it ended) I decided to check it out for myself.  Turns out it was as good, and addicting, as everyone said.  I watched all three seasons in the space of about two weeks courtesy of a couple free trials of Hulu Plus.  I finished the last episode when Alicia was here so naturally we decided to take a tour of Rhode Island's version of Downton - The Newport Mansions.  Wow!  We weren't allowed to take photographs inside but trust me, it was exactly like what we saw on TV.  My favorite room even had platinum wall paper.  I've got expensive taste. 
After touring the The Breakers, we ate fresh seafood overlooking the beach.  Nothing like pigging out on fried food the day before running a Ragnar!

Flo's Clam Shack. . . Yummy!

Sisters!  We love stripes.

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