Sunday, April 13, 2014

Catching Up

The boys discovered another use for their ski helmets: soldier helmets!
Now that the weather has warmed up slightly, we've been spending tons of time outside.  Like I do every year around this time, I ask myself how we survived the previous six months of crumby cold weather.  Life sure is great when we can play outside! Here are a few things on my camera/phone I forgot to mention.

Killing time while Randy had oral surgery on the huge cyst inside his face.  The cyst is gone. . for now.  Randy wouldn't let me take a pic of his swollen cheek.  He looked like a chipmunk storing nuts for winter.

My Dad bought me a wheat grinder for Christmas.  Now I can make my mom's delicious wheat bread.  Yum!

Long winters get really boring until Mom pulls out toothpicks and marshmallows.  Parker loves marshmallows! {and destroying his brothers' creations}

Playing in the woods in front of our house

Landon is obsessed with writing his letters and drawing.  He goes through pages and pages a day.

Parker has discovered the television.  Hooray!  Now I can get things done around the house for a 15 minute stretch, or snuggle with him.  It's a tough choice.

40 degrees felt like tropical paradise so we went to the park

Ethan trying to have fun on lame playground equipment

Getting creative to fight off cabin fever boredom

Parker enjoying the scenery at the pediatric cardiologist where we learned Marcus no longer has a dilated aortic heart valve.  Still working on the mystery of why he passes out.  We've been going to lots of doctors and an MRI is scheduled for next week

Parkster wearing Marcus's shoes.  This picture reminds me of how little Marcus used to be and how it won't be long before Parker is as big as Marcus now.  Time goes too fast!

Parker has entered the Obsessed-With-Lightning McQueen Phase.  Luckily we already have everything he could possibly want to satisfy his obsession

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