Saturday, August 2, 2014

The End is Near

We were only gone three weeks but it was long enough that the house feels different.  I feel different too.  At first I thought it was just the exhaustion of vacation mixed with a little jet lag but I was wrong.  I caught a glimpse of that not-so-distant "light at the end of the tunnel."  You know, that big moment when you no longer have a baby and your kids are grown and independent and suddenly you have to completely redefine who you are?  Yes, that light.  It's there and it's suddenly much closer.
I realized this after we flew back to Rhode Island.  Despite the late hour {one a.m.} and a long day of travel, the flights were a breeze.  A total walk in the park.  I never had to squeeze into the tiny bathrooms on the airplane to help someone go to the bathroom {because the older boys can go by themselves and Marcus helped Landon when necessary}, or pace up and down the aisle with a fussy baby.  I didn't even have to hold Parker on my lap!  Parker sat next to me and watched movies or played with his brothers and I was actually able to do a little reading.  Marcus took things to a whole new level by taking off for our departure gate by himself as soon as we walked through security.  He got far enough ahead I couldn't even see him until we got to the gate where he was patiently waiting for us and had reserved a row of seats.  This boy showed me he is ready to travel by himself which basically means he doesn't need me anymore!  This is a good thing, but still evidence that the "light" is closer than I realized.  But before I let myself go into panic mode and start wondering what I'll do as an empty-nester, Parker reminded me that he still needs me {although Marcus and Ethan are such good helpers even that need is diminishing daily}.

This was Parker's way of reminding me he still needs me.  I'm thankful!

1 comment:

  1. you know because you keep talking about the "end" and the boys growing up you are gonna end up with a surprise pregnancy!?


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