Tuesday, July 29, 2014

More Vacation

Our 2014 Summer Vacation has come to an end.  The boys and I fly back to RI tomorrow afternoon.  We've been cramming so much fun into every day like we do every year that it just feels routine.  It's going to be a big adjustment when we get home and have to get back to daily life.  I can already hear the whining.  But I'm getting ahead of myself.  This vacation has been full of mini trips.  First Seattle, then to Randy's parents' house, then camping, then to my Dad's, then up to Boise for a few days, and finally back at my dad's.  I'm so ready to be done packing and re-packing suitcases for quick little trips!
Taking the double-decker train into the "Big City"  {Salt Lake which is most definitely not big}

riding a train is as exciting as Christmas morning for these boys

The annual grandkid picture in order by age

The boys first time bum sliding in Farmington Canyon.  I used to do this when I was a kid.  I feel old.

"We love bum sliding!"

Rocking the road trip with 7 kids in the minivan.  Boise or bust!

Pickup trucks mean we're not on the East Coast anymore

Playing at the parks American Ninja Warrior Style

Moms get to swim too

Parker ate dinner with Linz. {It's a mockup of her headstone in my Grandma's garden}

Parker discovered the freedom of water wings.  Now we both have fun in the pool.

My anniversary strawberries delivered to me in Boise.  Twelve years, baby!

There's no such thing as too much swimming

Lunch with my high school friends.  We laughed until we cried.  Love that!

Building boats to sail down Grandpa's waterfall.  It didn't work.

Fake birthday for the birthday buddies, courtesy of the grandparents

Fake birthday cake which was just an excuse to make cinnamon roll cake.  It is soooo good.
Thanks to all our family and friends who took time out of their busy lives to see us.  We seem to turn order into chaos wherever we go which is why it's so nice of everyone to be excited when we visit.  Or maybe the excitement is just an act?  Hmmm. . .

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