Monday, September 15, 2014

Our Swiss Family Robinson Adventure

It's a sad thing that the fall weather in RI has come so early because we usually squeeze in a few Saturday beach trips before it gets too cold.  Instead, we ended up spending our Saturday afternoon at the pool while Randy was helping someone move.
I'm happy to say Landon finally embraced his inner fish and splashed me with cannon ball after cannon ball all the while Parker was jumping in and grinning from ear to ear.  Parker copies everything his brothers do so naturally he put both hands together, leaned forward, and dove headfirst into the pool.  I was glad to see another son has inherited Randy's swimming abilities.  Of course all this jumping into the pool was getting lots of attention from other swimmers and bystanders because that's what happens anytime I take the boys out in public and because we were having a lot of fun.   But things got even better and more entertaining when Marcus and Bean started reenacting the scene from Swiss Family Robinson where the guy is wrestling in the water with a giant python.  The boys broke through the surface of the water grunting and gasping as if for their last breath before being pulled under by an imaginary python.  It. Was. Epic.  I'm glad a lazy summer afternoon watching an old Disney classic could later inspire such theatrics in the pool.

Note to self: The lifeguards must be blind because they never once blew the whistle or tried to rescue my boys from what looked like a legitimate strangulation by python.

Watching Swiss Family Robinson with friends, inspiring great fun in the pool

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